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Celebrating 50 Years | At the Forefront

Preparing for Palo Alto University’s 50th Anniversary, 2025-2026 

For five decades, Palo Alto University has distinguished itself as a focused and visionary institution.

We are an institution of higher education, dedicated to behavioral health education, research, and training, and a top producer of behavioral health professionals, primarily focused on graduate and doctoral students. 

As communities’ need for behavioral health care services grows acute, we continue to prepare exceptional providers, advance visionary research, and invest in clinical outreach.

We have always anticipated and led new areas of behavioral health practice. Our focus on providing culturally competent and bilingual care and our work to provide supportive care related to LGBTQ+ identities are a result of this future-focused commitment. 

By the Numbers


1,264 students primarily in graduate training programs and 44% first generation


Over 4,400 alumni professionally concentrated in behavioral health fields


5,000+ behavioral health professionals served by our continuing education programs annually


8 degree programs & counting,
including three doctoral training pathways


500K+ hours
of clinical service provided by PAU students every year


"Palo Alto University proudly stands at the forefront of education, research, and practice in behavioral health. Our faculty, students, and alumni are leading the way in generating knowledge and culturally-informed, evidence-based practices that address the significant behavioral health challenges facing our communities."

"Our upcoming 50th Anniversary presents an opportunity to celebrate our legacy and embrace innovation at the cutting edge, while we boldly envision what is in store for the next 50 years at PAU and our leadership role in working toward improved behavioral health for our communities."

Maureen O’Connor, PhD, JD, President
Palo Alto University

PAU’s Trailblazing Approach

PAU’s behavioral health research, education, and practice has solidified our legacy of innovation and transformation.

As we celebrate our five decades of impact, we envision PAU’s continued leadership at the forefront of behavioral  health — and the future of the field in the coming decades.

50th Anniversary activities include:


Visioning — Exciting conversations about the next 50 years in behavioral health fields – and how PAU will lead the way

Community Engagement Immersive dialogues about needs, resources, and new ideas throughout our community of supporters and partners
Cutting-Edge Research — New and expanded forums to discuss emerging issues in behavioral health
Service & Campus Life Activities Opportunities for PAU students, faculty, alumni, and friends to enhance their service to our communities
Alumni Reunion & Storytelling — Connecting with PAU alumni around our shared mission and community identity

Join us in Celebration!

In honor of our 50th Anniversary, we are inviting a wide range of partners to engage with our community of current and future behavioral health leaders — and define the forefront of the behavioral health field.

To learn how you can be a part of our 50th Anniversary Celebration - as a partner, sponsor, alumni, or student, we invite you to reach out!

Partnership Opportunities:     

Anne Farrah
Director of Development

Contact Anne >

Alumni Opportunities:     

Chloe Corcoran
Director of Alumni Relations

Contact Chloe >